we are 1! that's the information
Wednesday, September 27 by Kev

beck - dark star (mp3)beck - no complaints (mp3)
hip hip hooray and happy birthday to us. setting this place up was sort of like buying a brand new house - instantly full of new possibilities, and sometimes overwhelmingly so - often we've let the place get a bit dusty, and every now and then we've run out of space to put our favourite new things, but overall we're really pleased with how this shack has ended up, one year on. all we can do is hope that through this site you've ended up heading down to the shop to pick up something you might never have found, and it's now plugged a little best foot forward shaped hole in your heart you never knew you had ...
anyways back onto the music. i'm sure mr hansen would wish us a happy birthday in his own inimitable style if he was here today, but unfortunately that isn't to be, so in place of that how's about some fresh new beck tracks instead? i've scoured hype to see if these have been dropped yet, so sorry if you've heard them before, but god damn it if beck ain't gone and released another genre-bending classic yet again. i've been through the full lp a few times now and thought these two best showed the depth of tone and sheer production genius going on on "the information". beck has again shown that with each new album you feel the presence of the ghosts of every previous outing reaching through - check out the "paper tiger" style strings deep in the mix on "dark star" for proof.
only a week or so till this is out in the shops. be excited!
(oh and sorry for the yousendit action, but having learnt from the gnarls barkley exclusives dropped a while back i'm having to conserve bandwidth. shouldn't be a problem in a few months after getting a new provider, but until then, whatchagonnado?)