communication throughout the (drexciyan) nation

japanese telecom - japanese animation (mp3)
we're fans of drexciya side projects here on the beef blog and this is something from the only other confirmed member gerald donald (although this particular project is in fact uncredited and unconfirmed, but the scarily thorough drexciya research lab says it's by him and i think it's probably safest to just agree).
having released music as arpanet and dopplereffekt, this is something from gerald's concept album dedicated to japanese telecommunications company ntt DoCoMo called quite simply 'japanese telecom' (i really wish i was making this up - although, if you're brave enough to have delved into the drexciya research lab site, you'll find that this is probably one of the least daft concepts drexciya have come up with) - and you could only wish that it was mere coincidence that the ep was re-issued last week on the intuit solar label.
it's a very definitely more perky outing than the previously-posted sublime lifestyles of the laptop cafe from the late james stinson, drexciya's only other confirmed member, and has more than a touch of yellow magic orchestra about it, particularly 'japanese animation', in whose oh-so-serious company i now leave you whilst i get back to my kylie records.
we're fans of drexciya side projects here on the beef blog and this is something from the only other confirmed member gerald donald (although this particular project is in fact uncredited and unconfirmed, but the scarily thorough drexciya research lab says it's by him and i think it's probably safest to just agree).
having released music as arpanet and dopplereffekt, this is something from gerald's concept album dedicated to japanese telecommunications company ntt DoCoMo called quite simply 'japanese telecom' (i really wish i was making this up - although, if you're brave enough to have delved into the drexciya research lab site, you'll find that this is probably one of the least daft concepts drexciya have come up with) - and you could only wish that it was mere coincidence that the ep was re-issued last week on the intuit solar label.
it's a very definitely more perky outing than the previously-posted sublime lifestyles of the laptop cafe from the late james stinson, drexciya's only other confirmed member, and has more than a touch of yellow magic orchestra about it, particularly 'japanese animation', in whose oh-so-serious company i now leave you whilst i get back to my kylie records.