ting tings are looking up

the ting tings - that's not my name (mp3)
whilst foraging through your rss feeds or rummaging through your well worn bookmarks you may well have seen this on other mp3 blogs of late. however, i felt compelled to let the unbridled joy of this little ditty into our summer of rain and despair. the sun has been picked on and blamed for all this global warming business, and if it would only stop hiding away in it's cantankerous mood and get down and dirty to this five minutes of pop brilliance we could all be a little less pale and an awful lot happier. some may (in fact i might as well go ahead and do it myself) christen this tony basil's 'hey mickey' getting lyrical tips from the beautiful south's 'song for whoever' ... hmmm, yeah, i guess that works!
check out more brilliance from the lovely manchester label switchflicker or feel free to drool over more pictures of the lovely katie over at the ting tings' myspace.
whilst foraging through your rss feeds or rummaging through your well worn bookmarks you may well have seen this on other mp3 blogs of late. however, i felt compelled to let the unbridled joy of this little ditty into our summer of rain and despair. the sun has been picked on and blamed for all this global warming business, and if it would only stop hiding away in it's cantankerous mood and get down and dirty to this five minutes of pop brilliance we could all be a little less pale and an awful lot happier. some may (in fact i might as well go ahead and do it myself) christen this tony basil's 'hey mickey' getting lyrical tips from the beautiful south's 'song for whoever' ... hmmm, yeah, i guess that works!
check out more brilliance from the lovely manchester label switchflicker or feel free to drool over more pictures of the lovely katie over at the ting tings' myspace.