wednesday's valium - extraordinary

ulrich schnauss - monday - paracetamol (mp3)
it may be a clear-headed wednesday but the song in my head when i woke up this morning was ulrich schnauss's epic 'monday - paracetamol'. this is a huge improvement over recent offenders 'itchycoo park' (the scary thing is i don't know if it was the small faces version or m-people's!) and, inexplicably, ini kamoze's 'here comes the hotstepper' (i honestly have no idea, no, really, i don't), and is probably due in no small part to the fact that i stuck it on a compilation i made for someone yesterday - and you can all stop that sniggering right now!
the schnauzer, as he's affectionately referred to around these parts, released new album 'goodbye' the other week. as an object lesson in electronic shoegazing it's definitely more-of-the-same but we don't think that's such a bad thing.
it may be a clear-headed wednesday but the song in my head when i woke up this morning was ulrich schnauss's epic 'monday - paracetamol'. this is a huge improvement over recent offenders 'itchycoo park' (the scary thing is i don't know if it was the small faces version or m-people's!) and, inexplicably, ini kamoze's 'here comes the hotstepper' (i honestly have no idea, no, really, i don't), and is probably due in no small part to the fact that i stuck it on a compilation i made for someone yesterday - and you can all stop that sniggering right now!
the schnauzer, as he's affectionately referred to around these parts, released new album 'goodbye' the other week. as an object lesson in electronic shoegazing it's definitely more-of-the-same but we don't think that's such a bad thing.