it's crystal clear...

spacepimp - k9-law (mp3)
doctor rockit - tape measure (mp3)
jedi knights - may the funk be with you (mp3)
clatterbox - montis (mp3)
after digging out those nova nova tracks yesterday, i was overcome by a sudden bout of nostalgia. so, as a wave of inspiration hit me, i decided to look that little bit deeper and see what other musical gems were collecting dust. after a very brief peruse of my nu-skool breaks collection (ear plugs please), i thankfully, and quite hastily came across some early releases on clear…
clear was somewhat of a influential label in the mid to late 90’s, being credited with starting the ‘nu-electro’ faction. the label released many interesting and important releases, but more importantly helped to raise the profile of some well known artists. along with many others, the clear back catalogue includes the autechre affiliated gescom, the doctor rockit disguised matthew herbert, the tom middleton/mark pritchard inspired jedi knights, and a pre metro area morgan geist…
unfortunately, clear ceased to exist a couple of years ago, so as a homage to some of their best, and my favourite releases, here is a couple of tracks…
first up is the spaced out, future-sonic sounds of ‘k9-law’. produced by spacepimp, this was released on one of those super rare clear vinyl 12”s back in 1995, and is possibly my favourite release…
second up is ‘tape measure’ by doctor rockit. this is a wonderful example of matthew herberts musical diversity as he drops some seriously moody, dark electronica akin to an early autechre release. available on the ‘d for doctor ep’…
third up is the jedi knights monster of a record, ‘may the funk be with you’. again on one of those super rare clear 12”s, this brings back fond memories of a radio 1 essential mix by the chemical brothers - or was it the other track. either way, this is a top record, breakbeat electro at its finest…
fourth up is the short but sweet ‘montis’ by clatterbox. i think this is what they used to call in the mid 90’s “future funk” - whatever it’s called, it’s not 'arf good. available on their long since deleted, self titled lp from 1995…
doctor rockit - tape measure (mp3)
jedi knights - may the funk be with you (mp3)
clatterbox - montis (mp3)
after digging out those nova nova tracks yesterday, i was overcome by a sudden bout of nostalgia. so, as a wave of inspiration hit me, i decided to look that little bit deeper and see what other musical gems were collecting dust. after a very brief peruse of my nu-skool breaks collection (ear plugs please), i thankfully, and quite hastily came across some early releases on clear…
clear was somewhat of a influential label in the mid to late 90’s, being credited with starting the ‘nu-electro’ faction. the label released many interesting and important releases, but more importantly helped to raise the profile of some well known artists. along with many others, the clear back catalogue includes the autechre affiliated gescom, the doctor rockit disguised matthew herbert, the tom middleton/mark pritchard inspired jedi knights, and a pre metro area morgan geist…
unfortunately, clear ceased to exist a couple of years ago, so as a homage to some of their best, and my favourite releases, here is a couple of tracks…
first up is the spaced out, future-sonic sounds of ‘k9-law’. produced by spacepimp, this was released on one of those super rare clear vinyl 12”s back in 1995, and is possibly my favourite release…
second up is ‘tape measure’ by doctor rockit. this is a wonderful example of matthew herberts musical diversity as he drops some seriously moody, dark electronica akin to an early autechre release. available on the ‘d for doctor ep’…
third up is the jedi knights monster of a record, ‘may the funk be with you’. again on one of those super rare clear 12”s, this brings back fond memories of a radio 1 essential mix by the chemical brothers - or was it the other track. either way, this is a top record, breakbeat electro at its finest…
fourth up is the short but sweet ‘montis’ by clatterbox. i think this is what they used to call in the mid 90’s “future funk” - whatever it’s called, it’s not 'arf good. available on their long since deleted, self titled lp from 1995…