a beginners guide to ... mr oizo

mr oizo - flat beat (mp3)
mr oizo - stunt (mp3)
ark - le magicien d'os (mr oizo remix) (mp3)
uffie - hot chick (mp3)
in the continuing adventures of our beginners guides, prepare to get squelched to within an inch of your life with an entertaining (i hope) overview of m. quentin dupieux aka mr. oizo.
back in the mists of time (the late 1990s to be a little more precise), french director / producer mr. oizo had released a few well received releases, when levi's approached him to extend a short film he'd made (starring a then unknown jim henson muppet named flat eric) into a full advertisement. as clichéd as the following phrase may be, 'the rest is history' - it was the ad that launched a thousand yellow dolls, and the accompanying track was an instant hit, with dupiex's trademark ms-20 squelch and flat eric's erratic hand motions imitated in school yards, pubs and clubs throughout the know universe
but he's not just a one trick pony is our dear mr. oizo (as opposed to flat eric himself, who was confined to many a dusty attic, charity shop or maybe even dustbin) - after a short hiatus he was back, releasing more of his own stuff and taking on the tracks of others, with the choice pick of these remixes being the ark track 'le magicians d'os' (french for the wizard of oz kids!), 2 minutes and 52 seconds of pure mental beauty. too short, that's for sure, but i don't know many people who could handle a full seven minutes of such madness (by the way, if you only download one track from this post, make sure as hell that it's this one) ...
his next big thing came in 2004 when f comm released 'stunt'. listening to it know, it still packs as big a punch as it did the first time it set your mind on fire back in the club, and you can just see blog-darlings de jour justice with their hands in the air at parisian hot-spot kill the dj shouting "what the fuck!" at each other. lo and behold, 12 months later came 'waters of nazereth' and a the noisy french squelch was back in a big big way. justice in fact paid their dues to mr. oizo by remixing his next big single 'nazis' in 2006.
so quentin is hot property again, what with him some sort of jesus figure to the current ed banger massive - a devotion further enforced by his knob-twiddling for hot chick uffie, co-producing a vast majority of her upcoming album, and generally making the sorts of noises that you'd get kicked out of class for. thanks for the noise quentin, and long may it continue!