ann arbor's finest

tadd mullinix - enfant dans la chambre respirant (mp3)
james t. cotton - the drain (mp3)
dabrye - no child of god (mp3)
everyone knows of my love for detroit music and in particular tadd mullinix, the man behind the dabrye moniker. however, not many people are familiar with mullinix's other alter egos. before dabrye (mullinix's hip-hop project) came an electronic album his own name, called winking makes a face.
he also produces techno under the name james t. cotton and ragga jungle under sk-1 guise. through collaboration he also forms part of 2am/fm (jakbeat techno and house with d'marc cantu), tnt (low budget dance music with todd osbourn), saturn V (with techno legend traxx) and the dirty criminals (with various of traxx's partners in crime).
his production is just incredible, as is evident from the tracks i've selected to put up. the opener is probably the most accessible from tadd mullinix's debut made all the way back in 2001, when he was just 21. later that year he released the groundbreaking opener to the dabrye trilogy, one/three.
the second sees mullinix in full on jtc mode. "the drain" really is incredible, albeit not everyone's cup of tea. pure full throttle techno, but done so well that it just falls on the right of side of being a little too much.
the final selection is from the dabrye "instrmntl" album, which was a side project to the original dabrye trilogy. it was recorded for scott "prefuse 73" heron's eastern developments label. not many people are as aware of this as they are of one/three or two/three, although it does include some of the best stuff mullinix has done as dabrye. well worth checking the album out peeps!