and so what...
caroline loeb - c'est la ouate (mp3)
finally back on line after a month of hectic proportions. apart from the stress of moving house and then losing my job, i have had to contend with numerous dumb wits at british telecomm, who decided that it would cost me 130 quid for a phone line, when after 4 weeks of waiting for the 'engineer', it turned out i already had one...
anyway, that's enough ranting from me. i am going to (re) start proceedings with a slice of french synth pop. 'c'est la ouate' was released back in 1986 by the boy george look-a-like caroline loeb. as well as getting an extended 12" release, it also appears on the album 'loeb c.d.', which surprisingly enough (i was) contains a couple of other noteworthy tracks...
by default, i think this has become kev's favourite record of the moment. this is mainly due to me not taking it out of my record box for about the last 4 months. some might call this lazy, i like to call it consistency...