claudja barry from eastenders

claudja barry - love for the sake of love (mp3)
another saturday night favourite from the salsoul stable. claudja barry was a formative member of disco group boney m until 1976, and two years after flying solo she dropped this gem on her album 'claudja'. the unforgettable vocal hook coupled with an uplifting arrangement and irresistible bassline have given this track an timeless quality, and if you were to root through one of our record bags tomorrow i'm pretty certain you'd find this.
if you're thinking this track sounds familiar, then you'd be right. if the trippy drumbeat has triggered a memory in your well-learned head, then you've previously have heard it on 'claudja', one of the stand-out tracks from lindstrom and prins thomas' debut album. however, if you're already acquainted with the melody, arrangement and pretty much everything else, you may wish to hang your head in shame for being such a big fan of montell jordan's sample-heavy 'get it on tonite' - booooooo!