100 posts old!

gorillaz - kids with guns (quiet village remix) (mp3)
well this happens to be our 100th post, and we've finally moved to a rather lovely new web host, whose giving us loads more bandwidth - so hopefully say goodbye to our end of month posting droughts!
to celebrate this i'm sharing something very special that's been sitting on my hard drive for some time. when quiet village came to play at our first birthday party last year they handed over a cd-r with some very limited remixes that they'd been working on. this gorillaz remix, apparently nixed by lord albarn himself, is soon to surface on a white label 12" (limited to 1000 and coming direct from the source). it's a perfect example of qv doing what they do best - slow hypnotic drumming, cosmic waves, an unparalleled depth of production and 2 drugged-up vocals that drag you right down into their murky underworld. massive bonus points go to whoever can source the movie sample in the last 20 seconds as well ...
get it while it's hot!