jesus on the payroll...

thrashing doves - jesus on the payroll - street version (mp3)
with the festive season upon us, what better way to celebrate the birth of jesus than to post a track which has a very tenuous link to the great man himself...
jesus on the payroll, the street groove version, is a piano led classic which was massive with all the balearica types back in the late 80's. it was especially popular down at danny ramplings legendary club night, shoom, and can be found on the balearic beats vol 1 album which was compiled by most of the shoom resident dj's. probably the easiest way to get hold of it on record...
incidentally, the band responsible for said track are called 'thrashing doves'. and, so i am led to believe, hailed from the mighty rochdale in greater manchester (might be wrong, can anyone shed any light on this?). being no stranger to musical talent, rochdale can also claim to have unleashed on our ears, not only the mighty autechre, but the even mightier (?!?) lisa i never thought id see those two in the same sentence...a first maybe?