saturday night stone cold classic alert

matsubara - sos (prins thomas edit) (mp3)
having been running bff the night for almost 18 months now, i'm beginning to feel quite a strong sense of, for want of a better word, "ownership" towards certain records. there are tracks that me and mark play out more often, tracks that will make friends and regulars look over with a sign of recognition whenever they hear the first few bars being played, tracks that you're unlikely to hear anywhere else around these parts. this is one of them - a prins thomas re-edit of an 80s guitar freak out, only available on his discomiks ep. the original of which was big down at the loft, a phrase which applies to most of the amazing disco-related records of the 60s, 70s and 80s.
you may or may not be interested to know that what you're reading here originally began as a tapes 'n tapes post, after having them colour me impressed on manchester on tuesday night - tight band, great sound, and above all looking like they were having a whole lotta fun. however, according to hype, every track off both the album and ep has been blogged two or three times already, so i decided to turn my attention to the path less travelled. pictures of the night (which i was going to use in the original post) can be found courtesy of the lovely people at the indie credential over here.