a thing of pure beauty

the beauty room - holding on (mp3)
sorry for the hiatus, but it's been a hell of a month. we had some serious issues with bandwidth last month, had to take all the music down for a while, and it's taken a while to get back on our feet. this is coupled with the fact that i normally write these posts on my lunch hour sat at my desk, and with temperatures in work now hitting 36°C (that's about 97°F for you folks in the States) and woefully inadequate ventilation, i've been escaping the "sauna" at lunch for pastures cooler, hence the lack of postings in the last few weeks.
but you'll be glad to know i haven't just been sitting around! mark is off travelling in a few weeks, so i've been lining up an all-star ensemble cast for the "best foot forward summer sessions", and have some great names coming up, carrying on our promise to bring guests to manchester that rarely venture this way. we begin the summer sessions with the beauty room, who will be playing a dj set next month. kirk digiorgio is a uk techno pioneer, and alongside simon jinadu they have created a beautiful blissed out jazz-tinged summer album, skitting between steely dan and stevie wonder by way of the beach boys and herbie hancock - just check out their myspace for their gargantuan list of influences! the album is due out on august 7th, with a doulbe a-side single preceeding it.
there are more guests coming, and i've booked to around october with festivities a-plenty to come. for those that only visit the site rather than the night, i'm aiming to get back on the blog in a major way over the next few weeks - you have it in writing now, feel free to hold me to it!