rusty squeezebox...?

who ever knew that naked accordian playing could be so much fun, not in honour of this extremley fun looking past time, a couple of squeezebox themed tracks shall rockit - cafe de flore
first up is another one of my all time favourites........the classic 'cafe de flore' track is mathew herbert producing under one of his many alter ego's, this one being doctor rockit.......most of you probably know this record already, as it has appeared on countless, run of the mill 'chill out' albums.....however its an awesome track, with mr herbert actually playing the accordian himself (naked apparently...), if you buy the original 12", there is an equally as awesome charles webster remix on the flip....bliss - manvantara
second up is another accordian themed track, this one being from bliss on the never easy to get hold of music for dreams label (why oh why were those danish 12", so frickin hard to get hold of???).......the track is called 'manvantara' and is a 11 minute balearic-athon with some high octane squeezebox action kicking in nearer the end of the track.................
hope you enjoy....